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Do Paintballs Stain?

do paintballs stain

As you step onto the paintball field, adrenaline pumping through your veins, you can’t help but wonder: do paintballs stain? Well, yes they do stain. However, these stains are not permanent because the paintballs are non-toxic, nonstaining, and biodegradable paints that are easily removed with the right equipment. Therefore, in this article, I’ll make sure … Read more

Do Paintball hurt? – Epicsportsx

Do paintball hurt?

Paintball is undoubtedly a fun and thrill-based game that can quickly grab the attention of all users. But it does come with numerous factors which can enhance the rate of injuries in this particular game. This is why players are forced to wear their protection kits and then play such games on the battlefield. Do … Read more