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Paintball Welts

Paintball Welts

Have you ever been hit by a Paintball welt? Let me tell you, it’s not a pleasant experience. The sharp pain, the sudden shock, and the lingering bruise that follows – it’s enough to make anyone hesitate before stepping onto the field. But as a Paintball enthusiast, I’ve come to accept the welts as part … Read more

15 Best Professional Paintballers | History, Salary, & Other Details 2023

Best Professional Paintballers

Best Professional Paintballers

What is Soft Paintball? | Low Impact Paintball All Details 2023

What is Soft Paintball

Is it true that you’ve never heard of a paintball game with huge stakes and severe competition? Speculate on a global championship paintball tournament including the professional paintballers from all over the globe. But there’s a catch: the Soft Paintball used in kid-friendly games aren’t the standard hard variety. With this new technology, the game … Read more

14 Paintball Strategy & Tactical Tips to Win Any Game

paintball strategy

Paintball is undoubtedly one of the world’s best and most popular sports, and people are always interested in learning more about it. However, some multiple tips and tricks act as a significant strategy for playing this Paintball game. In this article, I’ll share all the main Paintball strategies and how much paintball costs to allow … Read more

How Long Do Paintballs Last?

How Long Do Paintballs Last?

The paintballs last according to their manufacture and the specific places where they are stored. However, the age of these paintballs is in between 6 and 12 months in the right conditions and with proper care. It means that the users have to protect themselves from direct sunlight, hot environment, and humid conditions. Therefore, you … Read more

Is Paintball Fun?

is paintball fun?

is paintball fun

How much does Paintball cost in 2023?

How much does paintball cost

Paintball cost in 2023
paintball cost 2023

Do Paintballs Stain?

do paintballs stain

As you step onto the paintball field, adrenaline pumping through your veins, you can’t help but wonder: do paintballs stain? Well, yes they do stain. However, these stains are not permanent because the paintballs are non-toxic, nonstaining, and biodegradable paints that are easily removed with the right equipment. Therefore, in this article, I’ll make sure … Read more

What is in Paintballs?

what is in paintballs

What does a paintball contain? It’s a secret that has been closely guarded by paintball manufacturers for years. Let me share a sneak peek with you, don’t worry. Paintballs are filled with a special, brightly colored dye that is designed to burst on impact, marking your opponent as a “hit.” Make sure you know the … Read more

Paintball Rules

paintball rules

Are you ready to experience the thrill of the hunt? Before you step onto the paintball battlefield, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the paintball rules. As a result of these rules, players are assured of their safety, and a fair playing field is maintained. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most critical paintball … Read more